Harmony Institute » International Conferences

International Conferences

Our conferences are an open cross-cultural space providing the participants with learning opportunitis as well as creating the conditions for personal and professional growth and for building humanist-oriented community.

Harmony Institute regards its conferences as one of the main directions of its activities because together with Margaret Mead we believe that “a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever does”. We view conference participants and presenters as the co-creators of its space, and welcome everyone who feels touched by the topics of our conferences regardless of their age, professional, ethnic, religious and national background.

More about our next conference 2020

During the 30 years of its existence Harmony Institute has organized more than 35 conferences on different aspects of practical Psychology. The list of our partners and sponsors includes dozens of national and international psychological associations and organizations as well as educational institutions and foundations. 

For 20 years each May Harmony Institute hosted the Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution which in different years gathered up to 450 participants from Russia and from abroad. Since 2008 its tradition has been taken over by the Annual International Conference “Self and Other: Space for Dialogue”.

We also organized ten annual conferences on Creativity in Psychotherapy, Education, Healthcare and Business, two conferences of the Russian Association for Telephonic Hotline Services and two Youth Conferences “The Ecology of War and Peace”.

Harmony conferences are known for their unique atmosphere. As one of the participants put it “The whole world with all its diversity, or rather, with the idea of diversity, is presented here in a condensed form…. For me every day of the conference was a discovery, internal or external: amazing encounters, wonderful people I’ll always keep in my heart…” Our conferences are the place to meet new friends from different parts of our planet.



Расписание ближайших событий

  Дата Ведущие Тема  
2-5 мая 2024 Юля Буканова и Софья Бадхен XV Ежегодная Конференция "Я и Другой": Пространство Отношений"
апрель и май 2024 Выпускники программы "Международная школа психотерапии и конслуьтирования" Очные бесплатные тренинги 
май 2025 Тамара Сикорская Программа профессиональной подготовки супервизоров для специалистов в области психологического и психотерапевтического консультирования
октябрь 2024 и февраль 2025 Ситникова Наталья и Дина Валеева Программа подготовки консультантов экстренной психологической помощи
сентябрь 2024 - ноябрь 2024  Ирина Гуревич Онлайн-мастерская по работе с детьми
сентябрь - ноябрь 2024 Елена Ларионова и Сергей Валюхов Онлайн-мастерская по работе с психотерапевтическими группами
сентябрь 2024 Преполаватели Института Гармония

Международная школа психотерапеии, консультирования и ведения групп 



Институт Гармония © 2023