Harmony Institute » International Conferences » Conference – 2020

Conference – 2020

XIII Annual International Conference
“Self and Other: Space for Dialogue”
April 30 – May 4, 2020
St.Petersburg, Russia


Dear Friends and Colleagues,
On behalf of Harmony Institute we would like to invite you to the XIII International Conference
“Self and Other: Space for Dialogue”.


In these times of complexity, political instability, and pressure it is hard to overestimate how much depends on the quality of relations within and between our societies, countries, families, groups, and within ourselves. The bonds and connections we establish help us to feel safer, more secure and stable and to withstand the threat of fragmentation. Therefore we find it very helpful, reassuring and supportive to keep learning and exploring about Diversity, Difference, and Otherness which we all face professionally and in our everyday life.

With your help we would like to look into the complexity of relations between different cultures, traditions, and ethnicities, between people of different religions and different opportunities. That is why it is so important for us to have participants from various countries and places within Russia.

During the Conference we will offer over 50 workshops, lectures, seminars, dialogue groups, discussions, and other events. You will be able to share your experience, make new connections, find new friends and learn about yourselves and others.

Here you can read more about our last conference.

Location: As it has been for the last 8 years, the Conference will take place at Kochubei Palace in Pushkin (former Tsar’s Village that is famous for its gardens and palaces) in a 30 minute drive to the South of St.Petersburg.

The registration starts on April 30, at 3 pm and the Opening Ceremony begins at 7 pm. Every day will have several events: morning lecture, workshops of your choice, dialogue groups and evening events (lectures, concerts, round tables, watching and discussing movies, open space etc). The Conference closes around 5 pm, on May 4.

We will download Conference Program 2020 by the end of March. here you can download our last Сonference's program:  

Download Conference program 2019 here

Terms of participation for participants and presenters:

These prices include conference fee + room and board April 30 - May 4, 2020:
For a single room $778*
For a double room $665* per person

Conference fee includes participation, room and board from April 30 to May 4, formal letter of invitation and support for getting a Russian visa, transfer from and to the airport, translation at the conference.

*Costs might slightly change depending on the rate (we will inform our participants about that in advance). 

You can fill the application form here:

For participantsFor presenters

How to participate:

To receive the letter of invitation a $400 prepayment of the conference fee before March 1, 2020 is required. If you cancel your visit, $400 prepayment is non-refundable.


Please send us an e-mail and inform us about your wish to participate.

Step 2

To apply for a Russian visa you’ll need an official invitation. To receive it a $400 prepayment of the conference fee is required. As soon as we receive the prepayment we will book you a room of your choice and send you a formal letter of invitation.  

Step 3

You may use any local agency to apply for a Russian visa at the Russian Embassy in your country or go to the embassy yourself. You should buy tickets to travel to St.Petersburg, Russia and send us the information about your flight. We will meet you at the airport and transport to the Conference site. 

Step 4

The rest of the conference fee should be paid when you arrive. If you cancel your visit before March 1, 2020 - $ 400 are non-refundable.


Information and terms of payment 


Please let us know if you are  interested or if you have any questions. Contact us through spacefordialogue@gmail.com

“Harmony” Institute for Psychotherapy and Counseling, Gastello Str. 9, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 196066
Phone number: (+7-812) 371-82-20
Cell phone: (+7-911) 933-49-46
fax (+7-812) 373-13-30
e-mail: spacefordialogue@gmail.com

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Институт Гармония © 2023